What’s it like to be deaf?

First, you know how some people carry an emergency…contraceptive (my grandmother reads this) in their wallet?  Well, MY friend carries an emergency York Peppermint Patty.  Priorities, people, priorities.

That really has nothing to do with my post for today.  What I really want to talk about is the whole, “being deaf/hard-of-hearing” deal. Here’s today’s public service announcement: CONTRARY to popular belief, I do not have selective hearing, I’m NOT making it up, and NOT ALL DEAF PEOPLE have a “funny accent.”

Sure, my friends can still do it like animals (must.bleach.brain.) in their room with paper thin walls while I crash on their couch and no one is embarrassed in the morning.  Sure, if I tell the airline personnel handling boarding I’m deaf, I get to board with the babies and elderly.  Jealous, are you? Don’t be.  There’s a whole other side to this, people.  I bet you’ve never thought of half of these.

The REAL Reasons it’s tough to be deaf/hard of hearing:

1.  Unless it’s an SBD, you’re at a distinct disadvantage when someone lets one fly.  No advance warning (hi, grandma!).

2.  You can’t lead flashmobs.  If you miss the first strains of music, your count is thrown completely off and that’s just embarrassing.

3.  Your aesthetician may forget to speak up, so you might miss the warning that she’s going to pull the strip.

4.  Your TV is up so loud, your neighbors suspect that there is a ninety year old hostage living with you.

5.  On a similar vein, when you go through a rough patch, EVERYONE in the neighborhood can hear you listening to Air Supply and Celine Dion. On repeat.

6.   The Helen Keller jokes when you wear your glasses… Or when you don’t.

7.  You mix up weird words and think you heard the following sentence, “I burned the toast and went to the animal shelter for more booze.”  (I have no idea.)

8.  You sit through a drama at the movie theater and make up dialogue for entertainment, as you have no idea what the characters are saying.  While this is highly amusing for you,  a couple of days later, when at a party, someone knows you went to the movie and attempts to make conversation about said cinematic experience.  Your “I found it…highly ironic,” is met with odd stares.

9.You’re STILL mad you lost the fifth grade spelling bee finals because you thought you heard the girl before you spell “exaggeration” the way you thought it was spelled (CORRECTLY), and when they said, “incorrect,” you scrambled to come up with a different spelling, only to be informed that’s how SHE spelled it and that was “still wrong.”

10.  You have been hit with the following projectiles in a bid to get your attention: a remote control, a pool noodle, several pens, a coaster, a cherry tomato, a matchbox car, a potholder, a kitkat…  You KNOW there are more, and the lack of memory worries you there’s been some brain damage.

But what’s it really like?  You know, I’m not sure I can explain because it’s just the state of things. Technically, I’m not deaf, but moderately hard of hearing.  I miss a lot.  I don’t know what it’s like to be a hearing person, so I don’t know how to adequately compare.  What I can tell you is that mostly gleaned from observation and experience seeing what others can do that I can’t.

I can’t imagine being able to talk to someone in the next room, watching TV without captioning, listening to multiple conversations at a party, going to the movies without having to think about whether I’ll still understand it if I miss a lot of what is being said (action is always better than drama- rule of thumb)…  But for all of that, it’s my life.  It’s what I was born with.  You do the best you can with what you have, you use humor, you become resourceful. When all is said and done, I’m too grateful for what I do have to bother mourning what I don’t.

142 thoughts on “What’s it like to be deaf?

  1. Isn’t there something more that can be done for you to help you with your lost of hearing? Are you sure you have checked out as many available resources available?

    • Beth- thanks for your comment. I’ve been dealing with this loss since I was a child. My mother is and my father was profoundly deaf, so this isn’t something I am uneducated on. One of my best friends is an audiologist. I have a hearing aid, but even with it and all the advances being made, I will never have the hearing of a truly “hearing” person. This post isn’t about lamenting that fact, but rather, accepting it.

      • I confess- I dwell way more in the “hearing world,” than the deaf one. I’m not accepted in the deaf world- too “hearing.” My mother, who is profoundly deaf, but speaks extremely well, is also not accepted. I think that for someone with no exposure, this may sound like a strange comment, but I know that many people will know what i mean by this.

  2. I love this post! I’m deaf, but I’ve never felt disabled or unable to do anything that people couldn’t (apart from hear some stuff, but meh, that’s minor). I’ve always hated how some people think deaf = broken or stupid, and I’ve worked damn hard to show different. Also….forget loud volume on tv, subtitles FTW!

    • I still remember the day I learned about Helen Keller in school- the phrase “deaf and dumb” never left me. I am certainly at an advantage as no one can even tell I have a hearing loss unless I tell them (it’s crazy to even me how well i am able to “blend,” despite the degree of my loss), but I think my tendency to overachieve stems from this very difficult lesson.

      • I used to be, as well, but then I realized that since there was nothing I could do about it, it was totally pointless to worry too much about what other people thought. 🙂

    • I prefer subtitles too. A lot of people ask me “How do you pay attention?” It’s really easy actually. haha. Also, it really comes in handy when your parents say it’s bedtime- just mute the T.V and continue watching your show as usual until you go to sleep… (or don’t fall asleep… whichever.) And they never know. 🙂

      • Hah! I’ve made my family addicted to subtitles, they used to hate how it covers half the screen (teletext 888 ftw!) but now they can’t do without it! It’s amazing how much story you understand when you actually get what theyre saying!

      • What’s really fascinating to me is how fast a reader it’s made me. My brother, as well. I read about 10 books a week (novels) on my kindle. It’s astounding. My brother is hearing and sometimes watches TV with no sound on and just the captions. It’s a great way to improve your reading speed!

  3. Wow- amazing! I know of a loophole for the pesky movie theatre that I discovered yesterday. If you go to the movie theatre and the movie has (CC) next to the name of the movie, that means it’s closed captioned. Then you can tell the person giving you the ticket and they’ll give you something so the words show up too (on a little stand when you put it in front of your seat) That was the first time I didn’t have to turn to anyone beside me and ask “What’s going on?” because I knew what they were saying. I don’t know if they have something similar at your movie theatre, but it’s worth a shot.

    • Jenn- thanks for your comment! I’m really lucky to live in a big city- one of my theaters has the little thing you’re referring to (with the ticker tape), and one of them has a little thing I can plug my own headphones into and hear the entire movie through headphones. No need to use the ones that other people use. It WAS amazing the first time I used these things- a totally novel thing to not miss a single thing! 🙂

  4. Good for you! My husband has been growing progressively deaf since he was 40 (he’s now over twice that) and by now his hearing is about where yours is, or more (or less, however you choose to look at it).
    I have great admiration for the good grace (on the whole) with which he undergoes it, ad I have great admiration for your humor and attitude.

    • I think it’s definitely easier to grow up with it than to know what you had and lose it. I very much admire people who lose it later and handle it well- I’ve met plenty of people who let it be something that holds them back- Good for your husband!

  5. This was hilarious. Thank you for the laugh, and I’d totally look at being almost deaf as a blessing in disguise. 🙂 Not being able to hear the negative gives you more energy to focus on the positive 🙂 Don’t stop writing and using that humor to brighten the world.

      • She might know this trick, too. A friend who had a deaf little brother told me how they would wail on each other growing up. (Ah, boys.) His comeback would often be to sneak up on the kid while he was vacuuming and just unplug the thing. Little bro wouldn’t find out for several minutes, then have to start all over again. After wrestling his big brother to the ground, that is.

      • I’ll have to write about this. Josh and I got up to no good way too often. When your parents can’t hear you get out of bed you can get away with a helluva lot! Growing up with profoundly deaf parents is a pretty unique experience, to say the least. I once set the microwave on fire while my mom was in another room (total accident)…

      • Oh, man, I am so looking forward to that post. I was a goody two-shoes growing up and really wish I had started a few more fires, if you know what I mean. (Well, there was that making-popcorn-on-the-stove-for-the-first-time-in-college-incident but I also call Accident on that one.) Give us some stories, it’ll be eye-opening. Remember, there are people reminiscing vicariously through you…

  6. This is brilliantly written! 🙂 When reading what you said about following conversations or going to the movies, I found myself smiling and nodding: I’m not deaf but have recently moved to Iceland and am still having a hard time following movies or conversations I’m not involved in which occasionally leads to hilarious misunderstandings on my account^^

  7. Veddy interesting. Although I’m not deaf, I think I’ve always sort of overestimated the number of deaf people in the world since I was born immediately after the rubella bulge. So I just sort of took it for granted that deaf/hoh people were kind of like four-leaf clovers and double-yolked eggs. They just turned up from time to time, no biggie. I mean, so-and-so’s big brother or big sister in school was always deaf, right?

    If you’ve got the time, take up ASL. It’s a nice experience for deaf/hoh folks to finally be able to carry on one of those extroverted talk-to-everybody-at-the-dinnertable-at-once conversations.

    • HAHA! This comment cracked me up. First, I do know ASL- my mom is profoundly deaf, so I learned from her. She’s actually a rubella baby, so yep- you dodged a bullet. As for ASL, so few people know it (there really isn’t a deaf population around me at all), that all it’s been good for so far other than communicating with my mom is scaring deaf people talking crap about people on the subway, when they assume that no one knows what they’re saying (I just sign, “that’s not very nice!”).

      And other than my mom and a few friends of hers, I never really knew any deaf/hoh people my age until I went to college and met a group of them- and I was the “hearing friend!” I remember being at a hockey game and telling everyone what the heck the announcers were saying- THAT was weird!

      • Oh man the hockey game! I have a story about hockey.

        I was at a hockey game, and my hearing aids “synced” to a microphone. I could hear, but it was weird what I heard. Someone yelled “Let’s go hotshot!” and whenever the other team scored, my hearing aids had a cheering sound. I was the most confused I’d ever been at a hockey game- My hearing aids had me listening to the other teams manager or coach. It was an interesting experience though, and very funny.

        Considering the fact that I fake my way through being a hockey fan (Just shout “go leafs go!” when someone says “They scored!” or you hear cheering,) that game was one big muddled confusion- like sticking a corner puzzle piece in the middle of the puzzle.

  8. your a funny person beth, you may be deaf but i hear you clearly, your words are honest unlike so many others, like leonard cohen, may the voice be true, so is yours!

  9. Love this post! I never really understood what it was like until I studied American Sign Language & Deaf Studies in college. Our ASL teacher had us wear earplugs for a couple hours & then still go about our day & write a response on our reaction. OMG…. I was quite frightened. But, I guess if you’re born with it… and used to it… it’s not as scary. Oh… and I kinda find it fun to scare other hearing folks by using sign language… haha. Not many deaf around here for me to communicate with :/

  10. Very interesting as a hearing person to “hear” your look on life. I especially love your last paragraph. We are all dealt something but not all can achieve that kind of optimism!

  11. So funny and so wise at the same time. I love your line about about doing the best with what you’re born with.

    I am hearing but I love to watch people sign in ASL. To me, it always seems to look graceful.

  12. Very graceful post. You talked about stark reality and yet somehow made us readers smile from time to time. I’m not deaf, but music is my soul and I’m always scared of losing my hearing, esp since I listen to loud music and go to loud concerts. But I’ve always believed that words complicate things and makes us miss out on the good stuff. Probably you know that better than anyone.

    • Very thought-provoking comment- thank you! As my hearing worsens with age, my biggest fear is losing my ability to hear all music. Classical is getting more and more difficult unless I crank it. I try not to think about it. You are right, though… So much is said WITHOUT words- in our body language, our eyes, the things we DON’T say, etc.

  13. what a lovely post – to be relishing what we have is worth much more than mourning what we dont – a profound thought!
    life, relationships and moments are not about hearing, they require listening and it is sad that there are many of us who are not deaf or hard of hearing but they still choose not to listen.
    thanks for sharing and congratulations on being fp-ed!

  14. Great post. I’m also deaf/hard of hearing, similar experiences. How often do you find yourself informing other people about what’s going on (in a variety of situations), just because you’re the one who’s in the habit of asking? More and more I’m finding that attitude is the greatest abiliser/disabiliser/equaliser! 🙂

  15. I like the mixture of humour, explanation and acceptance in your post. I have a little bit of hearing loss (genetic) and have hearing aids at 41.
    The problem is it is an almost invisable disability. Before I wore hearing aids, my children and husband were often irritated that I misheard a lot of the time and thought I was choosing not to hear when they talked to me with their face to the wall or from another room. I just couldn’t hear certain women when they mumbled on the phone – and you can only ask people to repeat what they have just said so many times! I could watch a whole film without having heard a thing. American voices on tv were especially difficult.
    Now I can hear without difficulty again. People expect me to want to hide my deafness but I don’t. I joke about it. It’s just something I have to deal with, like others have short sight.

    • What’s always struck me as interesting is that while being hard of hearing is in some ways like being unable to see very well, it’s SO COMMON to have glasses or contacts that no one thinks anything of it. It’s just not a big deal. Deaf/hoh people tend to be more of an anomaly for many.

      • Yes that’s exactly it. I’ve found a few people admit to being a ‘bit deaf’ when I’ve told them I am. I hope I’ve encouraged one or two to get themselves to an audiologist.

  16. Hello! I loved your blog post and well first of all because I get you, you see I have a loss of 82% on my left ear and a loss of 54% on my right ear, still I can talk “perfectly” and people hardly tell I’m deaf, but honestly is because I’ve become very well skilled with reading people lips, also I speak 2 languages and currently learning the third one (I’m not going to lie it’s very hard plus I chose a hard language to, finnish) but I take things at my own pace and well I much rather try and see if it actually works or not than not trying at all! but thank you so much for your post, to put the exact same words that keep riddling in my mind every day, I can relate so well. thank you!!!

    • Finnish?! Wow- i’m impressed! I don’t think people understand or appreciate that it is so difficult to learn a foreign language with a hearing loss because it requires TWICE the concentration (concentrate to hear and then decipher). Plus, when you’re deaf, you can often fill in the blanks if you miss a couple of words just be inferring what was said. Not the case with a foreign language. I am so impressed by you and I love that you are not letting yourself be bound by limitations.

      • Thank you so much! you have no idea how much this means to me! I’m not going to lie, sometimes it’s hard to keep the head high, but I’m fighting my battle like everyone else, plus as far as I’m concerned it’s not that bad being half deaf! since I only listen half of the everyday stupidity meaning I’m more optimistic and cheerful since I live in my own world and it’s full of love and happy people like you! thank you!!! 🙂 I’ll let you know how the finnish will go 😀 lucky me I’ve all the time in the world for it hehehe and I will achieve it!!!

  17. Thank you for this post! Hilarious and absolutely accurate 😀 I have no issues with the cinema though, as I live in an obscure country and all movies are subtitled, except animated ones that I anyway tend to watch in peace at home and domestic ones that I usually avoid for other reasons beside that obvious one 🙂

  18. I always hated the way I could never follow conversations at social gatherings, and just stood there nodding politely. 😛

    I have had partial hearing loss since birth, and until I was 16 (when I saw a particular specialist) I couldn’t triangulate sound, which meant that among other things, I couldn’t work out what direction a sound came from. So if someone called my name while I was in a crowd I had to look around and guess who had just spoken by trying to find someone who was looking at me intently, like they’d just spoken to me. It was a bit hit-and-miss. There was a group of girls who used to call my name and then pretend that they hadn’t, so they could laugh at me as I looked around wildly, trying to figure out who was talking to me. The day they first tried it after I developed the ability to triangulate sound, and I whirled around and GLARED at them – finally able to work out who was doing it – was fantastic. People can be dicks about that sort of thing.

    • You nailed the problem I have since I can hear fairly well from one ear and I am deaf in the other. You really do feel like a moron as you are doing slow turns in a public area trying to triangulate who is calling your name or which direction your car alarm is beeping from when you hit the alarm in order to find your car in a big parking lot. It also hard when you go out in a social situation because you have to find the seat that will give you the most range of sound for your good ear so you can participate in conversations.

      The funny thing is that my friend told me that they were walking with someone the other day and automatically went to their right side because they do that with me. Kind of funny.

      That is cool that you found a specialist to overcome some of the issues!

    • Well, they sound like heinous people. But I’m glad you got your day 😉 That’s like when I say “what?!” a few times in a row and someone who has no idea says, “What, are you deaf or something?” HA!

      • Oh my god, yes, the number of people who sneered at me, “what’s wrong with you, are you DEAF?” when yes, actually, partially so. People are usually too polite to do it now, but when I was a kid adults used to do it *all the time.* And then I’d be like “yes, actually, I have a hearing impairment,” and you’d think it would make them feel ashamed, but no – they usually got angry because I’d made them look like an idiot. *sigh* And it was often teachers, too.

  19. Pingback: What’s it like to be deaf? | Front Porch Time

  20. You nailed it. Not born hard of hearing but am that way now with moderate/severe hearing loss. It can be funny and it can get really depressing. I loved this piece. So glad it was Freshly Pressed!

  21. I always wonder why people ‘feel sorry’ for those who are different. They don’t know any different…to them WE are different. I learned ASL as a preteen and now use it with all of my children (none of us are hard of hearing). That’s like feeling sorry for a blind man because he’s never seen a rose…well guess what, until I learned how wonderful it was to sit with my eyes closed and to feel the world around me, I thought he was missing out.

    To be able to have a conversation (using ASL) with my five year old when he is embarrassed to say something out loud or wants to play a prank on his dad…priceless.

    • I have moderate hearing loss- which means I have hearing aids in both ears. Most of the time it’s fine- I can hear a flea fart a hundred yards away- but every three months or so the wire that’s hooked over my ear stops working- rotted by my ear-juices, I suppose. And then I can’t hear anyone properly, and my own voice sounds as though I have my head in a blanket. It’s happened at the moment. Pardon ?

    • My mom and I like to pull this trick with people- it really helped when negotiating at Brimfield Antiques Fair last weekend- I’d be asking for a lower price and when the guy would tell me what he was offering, I’d sign with her and I think the guy was so confused about what was happening, he gave us the price we wanted!

      I love the points you’ve made here. People either take things for granted or they want to fit people in a little box (not always on purpose- human nature).

  22. Pingback: What’s it like to be deaf? | paulhunterjones

    • Thanks for your post. I want share the difficulty of being a hearing parent of a Deaf son. As you know, it can be a challenge having two distinct cultures in a family unit. Although, I sign with my son as he grew older he obviously gravitated to the Deaf world. Fortunately for me and my daughters we understood that this would happen. I prepared myself for it and yet my son and I still have a wonderful relationship. What really concerns me is the response by some (adults unfortunately) who seem to think that Deafness is a disability. I have had some connect my ability to sign worship songs in church as being unable to be still because I am ADHD. In fact I use my hands often when teaching in Sunday school class. Not signing, but I use my hands and voice intonations to make a point for emphasis. Again, I have been accused of being impulsive and ADHD. The real disability is from those who are single minded in thought regarding Deafness and those who are hearing and have learned how to communicate with those who are Deaf.

      • What an incredibly insightful comment–thank you! I sign with my mom a lot and it never fails to get a lot of stares. I am also someone who “talks with my hands” even when I am not signing, and that’s definitely bc I’m used to signing and using my body language as emphasis for my mom, as she is profoundly deaf. My mom’s sister is the same way. I wasn’t aware of such prejudice against that, though. Some people are just ignorant. And yes, that is a disability, for sure.

        Even if you did have ADHD, btw–it’s none of their freaking business and they have absolutely NO RIGHT to comment on that. Some people absolutely STINK. You, however, sound like a wonderful mom, who prepared her son and the rest of her family to adapt in the ways that were necessary and to accept the way things played out.

      • And there’s nothing wrong with having ADHD. I think that when we face challenges or differences, we adapt in amazing ways and discover things about ourselves and sometimes even new ways of doing things that we wouldn’t have, otherwise. Still no one’s business to comment on! 😉 Keep signing those songs proudly!!!

      • I do and I am not concerned about the ADHD. I go on and do what I do. What do find strange at times is that we are all equal in Christ in the church, yet God created us differently. It seems that we do not get that whole ideal.

  23. This was such a pleasant surprise! I was expecting this to be a really serious post about the *trials* of *being deaf*, which, to be fair, I thought would be really interesting since I’m a musician and I honestly can’t imagine it. But this was funny, without being trite. Love 🙂

  24. You are not bitter that you are hard of hearing. That’s really impressive. I know so many people who are perfectly healthy but they whine and complain about everything at any given opportunity. I think you will make a wonderful company.

    • I don’t know if I’d call it “impressive,” but thank you! Let me put it this way: When my dad died when I was 21, he was deaf, blind and confined to wheelchair. His body didn’t work, but his mind worked fine- he was trapped. He still made jokes. There is no way that I could have witnessed that and not become even MORE profoundly grateful for this life.

  25. I was extremely thrilled to uncover this site on bing.I needed to say thanks to you with regard to this fantastic article!! I undoubtedlyappreciated each little bit of it and I have you bookmarked to look into new things you publish.

  26. I just got hearing aids last August at 52 after fighting the fact that I found out I’ve needed them for at least a decade or so. My life is so much better now. Thanks for sharing your humorous way to look at life. I’m sure you’ll appreciate this: Yesterday I was having a conversation with someone but I had forgotten to wear my hearing aids. I thought she said, “Swedish, she may be,” when what she really said was “sweet as she may be”. I fell over laughing.

  27. Haha #7 happens to me all the time! One of my past co-workers used to keep a list of phrases that I would mishear and read back on them once in a while so we could all get a huge kick out of it. I love your post. It hits home to me because, like you, I’m not completely deaf but I am hard of hearing and I wear bilateral hearing aids. They help but they will never completely replace “normal” people hearing. And I agree with Harlequin Tea Set – subtitles are the way to go!! I have even converted my “normal hearing” friends to subtitles! Anyway…thank you for educating the world! Keep up the good work!

  28. I recommend David Lodge’s DEAF SENTENCE. It’s hilarious. I’m not deaf but I’m hard of hearing. After testing my hearing it seems it’s got to be something in my brains rather than my ears and it’s very frustrating. Whereas I can hear sounds and Music well, I can only understand 70% of what people say. It’s hard to live with that because people – including your partner – don’t quite believe you and you end up nodding even though you don’t understand what they say.

    • I totally know what this is like! It’s frustrating sometimes when you can HEAR that someone is talking or that there is some kind of noise but your brain just won’t decipher it for you. I’ll check out deaf sentence- thanks!

  29. I have started losing my hearing, and found this to be really great. It is funny to me how badly those around me are taking it, when to me it really is not that huge, but they are so worried about me becoming “hearing-impaired” (dontcha love that term). I started learning ASL about 3 years ago and started noticing that I was losing my hearing about a year ago. Loved your post.

  30. Love this post!! I have single sided deafness so struggle with background sounds and distance and directions of sound. I too have been hit with the remote and several other objects in order to get my attention, also misunderstanding people has become a running joke among my friends, they love this post too! 😀

  31. Hey there. My husband, age 31 lost his hearing when 14. His older brother lost his hearing at age 3. Mark, my husband goes through a lot of misunderstanding. He is now 90% deaf and people would never assume so, which actually makes it difficult. People think of him as though he is not. I am very interested in talking with you and hearing your story and discussing life. Please do contact, we can email. Hope your open.

  32. Pingback: What’s it like to be deaf? | azeem khan.net

  33. This is really great. Although my hearing is totally fine apart from the need to turn up the tv, the love of loud music and I can’t hear whispers or shouting between rooms, I could probably hear it all if I wasn’t always so distracted! I was “diagnosed” too little to explain to them that I didn’t have a hearing problem, I have selective hearing or ADD… Not sure yet! haha Anyway, thank you so much. I enjoyed reading this!!

  34. I have a friend who is deaf, and we were working at my house a few years back. We communicate mostly with hand gestures, and lip reading, and we were talking about hunting. I asked him if he preferred bow to rifle, and he said………’rifle was too loud.’

    I found that answer deep on many levels, but I asked him to explain. He communicated to me that he can sense the vibrations on the ground, and the ‘pressure’ of many guys afield. Having said that, he still shoots with rifle, and handles his small disappointment rather well.

  35. I have to say, as a hard-of-hearing person, I really enjoyed reading and can relate to this post in many ways. Most people do not know I am hard of hearing unless I tell them (I have a mild-to-moderate hearing loss). But yes, I have kept the TV and radio loud (probably obscenely so) at times, I often miss what is going on in movies without closed captioning, and I am sure I have been hit with projectiles to get my attention. Though which projectiles are not coming to me at the moment. Thanks for posting and sharing this!

  36. My husband had a moderate hearing loss from childhood and as a senior citizen, it has deepened to profound. Even with powerful hearing aids, he has almost no hearing in his right ear, about 30% (70% loss) in the left. We have closed captions on the television and sit up front and in the middle when (if) we go to the movies. His hearing aids were actually short-circuited (blown out) by the fireworks at Disney World. And he worked as a television News Reporter for 40 years, has 3 Emmys and who knows how many other awards. He was one of the first persons of color on the air in a major news market, but if you ask him, he will tell you that the big hurdle for him was never color. It was/is his deafness.

    • First, I would definitely look into movie theaters that offer captioning- it’s been absolutely WONDERFUL for me! Secondly, thank you so very much for sharing- what incredible stories your husband must have! I find it incredibly inspiring that he did this with a moderate hearing loss, which is what I have. How he was able to manage the cues, the chaos and all the sound that undoubtedly goes with production of a newscast…I can only imagine. Just incredible.

  37. Pingback: First Digest Post of Summer – June 2nd | deafinprison

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  41. Wow, your life looks kinda like mine. Well, not exactly. I, too, am hard of hearing though I am clinically deaf. I can relate to pretty much everything you listed, except number three (no way, no how, nuh uh, forget it. NeverGonnaHappen). I overstand what you mean by “too hearing” and honestly, it is a breath of fresh air to read about someone that doesn’t give a bleep about it, either. If I can’t be authentic, then.. yeah. You know how it goes. I will be following if only for the smiles. I’m still a newbie at this blogging thing. Great post!

    • Thank you- glad you commented. It’s great when people actually get what I’m saying, OR it makes them smile, laugh, or both! And thanks for following along with me 🙂

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